Category: Timeline Stories

All timeline stories.

June 17, 2020


Together with our ambitious client from Luxemburg All Square we have launched the social network tha...

June 17, 2020


We invest our energy and resources into leading IT events to discover new opportunities and technolo...

June 17, 2020


We started working on a fantastic app for events that supports cutting-edge trends and technologies ...

June 17, 2020


The Clear I Media team participated in the world’s leading trade show for consumer electronic...

June 17, 2020


Our team began to work on an industry-changing project that helps business owners communicate with c...

June 17, 2020


We visited the Summit in Lisbon to present our brand new developments in SaaS technologies. We choos...

June 17, 2020


PANOPTES AS We concluded a new very promising partnership with Panoptes AS project that is focused o...

June 17, 2020


Together with LIfeTracker team, we started developing LifeTracker, an AI based mobile task manager f...

June 17, 2020

al hackathon

Together with global investment company Digital Future, we regularly initiate a series of events aim...

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