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By admin / June 16, 2020


Influencer marketing is expected to increase up to $10 billion by 2020, even though it is relatively a newcomer to the global business market.

Why is influencer marketing so promising that businesses are spending more and more money on it? It is a proven fact that 92% of people rely on an influencer’s opinion, following their recommendations in daily and business life. And it doesn’t matter whether they know these people or not – what’s said consistently is considered to be true.

There is no doubt: the influencer marketing works, but to make it really efficient, a need to find the right influencers who are relevant to your niche and speak directly to your target users is necessary.

Searches can be either short or long, depending on the scale of business, product or service it’s providing, and whether these influencers are willing to promote them and work within the offered conditions. It’s more about being in the right place and talking to the right people. But what to do if it doesn’t work? How to find influencers who would be interested in your offering and bring new customers to your business?

What are Influencer Marketing Platforms?

Basically, these platforms are the place you can find influencers to work with. It’s a so-called catalog of people that offer their services in conducting marketing campaigns with both long and short term promotions. One can use filters and get the contacts of influencers suitable for a specific business case, and hire them.

Influencer marketing campaigns are useful when considering cooperation with several influencers. Here it’s possible to find needed influencers in a few clicks on one platform instead of long searches on Google or gathering recommendations from partners. It’s also convenient for management purposes, as all communication and activities are conducted in the same place.

Why is Building AI-powered influencer marketing platforms More Beneficial?

Of course, there are dozens of influencer marketing platforms you can just come and use. However, every solution has its pros and cons.

Such existing platforms save businesses’ time and effort and connect them with influencers. But, there are also some hidden pitfalls one should consider before starting to work with platforms.

It’s impossible to find ALL needed influencers on one platform

A platform is also a business, so it keeps a focus on specific media channels and offers a particular range of services. And, it isn’t a surprise that some channels are maintained on a more advanced level, some could work better. So, you won’t likely find that one particular platform with which you’ll accomplish several goals at once.

Therefore, only cooperation with two or more platforms will give the desirable marketing result and increase profits.

Famous influencers can be reached only via their managers

Your search results can become a waste of time and money if you want to involve celebrities in your business promotion. The most popular industry experts might not even be in a list of influencers represented on a particular platform. They are mostly working though talent managers.

No personal approach

In general, a platform has its marketing vision, content development strategy, and approach to work. This means you will always be dependent on its brand voice, tactics, and methods of engagement with the target audience. For some businesses, it can work, but there are no guarantees it will work for you as well.

Moreover, the influencer marketing platform is still a new technology in the world, so certain issues can appear. The fact that you’re working with marketers doesn’t save you from the risk of working with the wrong influencers. Marketers are just doing their job – providing you with marketing services while the result of it is your responsibility. They can’t ensure a complete demographic targeting and timed messaging release. Even 61% of marketers consider this as a serious challenge for them.

In this case the development of your influencer marketing platform, with Artificial Intelligence technologies involved, seems more beneficial than using an existing one.

What AI brings businesses in terms of influencer marketing platform development?

AI is considered to be a smart technology, and this is proved by the way it boosts influencer marketing in three key operations:

  • Selection of right influencers
  • Suggestions on business workflow
  • Creation and filling content

Artificial Intelligence provides businesses with that level of precision and scalability that they cannot achieve, even while working with the best professionals. Technology can often offer more than a person. Of course, AI cannot replace humans in influencer marketing as this market is all about interaction between humans. But when automation of processes is needed, AI can definitely enable this and allow free time for thinking of ways to provide a more exciting experience for users.

On the platforms, you can find 1000+ influencers, therefore, imagine how much time you would need to learn each profile, and read references in order to come up with the right choice. Our guess is you will probably waste a lot of time.

The above procedure makes searching very frustrating, and businesses need to redefine specific content in order to beat the masses. AI can save you from this inefficient process and help find the right match in a more fast and efficient way.

You won’t find any better mechanism that will help you to define the right influencer for your marketing campaign. It’s the perfect match of technology in the way it reads and understands the needs of a specific business.

Stages of AI-powered Influencer Marketing Platform Development

Let’s discover what stages of AI-powered influencer marketing platform development you can expect if you decide to build it from scratch.

Include the following AI technologies

We will start with must-have technologies for a proper influencer marketing platform to function:

Textual Content and Image Recognition

The technology of NLP AI can analyze the content and generate search engines based on interests, industries and demographics, to provide you with relevant answers regarding requests.

Analytics mechanism about Audience Interaction

AI can provide you with an analysis of the users’ reactions to each particular post. Moreover, it can gather this data and apply metrics obtained to improve statistics based on feedback. This technology is to insure the constant improvement of your content.

Creator of relevant suggestions

On the platforms, you can find 1000+ influencers, therefore, imagine how much time you would need to learn each profile, and read references in order to come up with the right choice. Our guess is you will probably waste a lot of time.

Moreover, the market is overloaded with promotional ads on brands that make searching more annoying, therefore businesses need to redefine content in order to beat the masses. So, this technology has to be included in the list as it will save you from this useless process and help to find the right match in a more fast and efficient way.

Detection of fakes and possible frauds

The more profitable the market becomes, the more fraudulent influencers become interested in it. Social bots are increasingly attacking the influencer market which caused the industry a loss of $1.3 billion in 2019. Therefore. it is vital to include pattern/footprint analysis to distinguish possible fraud profiles to automatically avoid huge money losses. The usual marketing platforms are useless in this case as only AI-powered features can enable high-level online protection.

Define your Type of Content

Today’s market is overloaded with promotional ads – around 95 million new photos appear on Instagram every single day. This makes the promotion of your content quite challenging and forces you to find the ways/tools/technologies to cut your business content through the noise of your competitors to attract your users’ attention.

Here it is vital to make sure that your content is really relevant and useful for users. That might sound very simple and annoying to read in different articles – but you won’t find any other solution to your content success.

Artificial Intelligence can boost your content efficiency. We advise you to use Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze, in a few seconds, trillions of images and videos that are uploaded to social platforms. This tool can help define the attributes, characteristics, types of images, and content that will appeal to your target audience to be used in your content strategy.

Also, NLP analyzes comments and determines which posts receive the most significant feedback from users.

All of the above gives you the necessary insights on how to develop your content, promote, analyze, and apply these metrics to continually improve your content.

Measure, Analyze and Apply

Collect and analyze engagement metrics from your social business profiles to increase your revenue.

Artificial Intelligence enables regression analysis of critical analytics data with algorithms, and allows one to use these models to predict future performance.

The next way to predict ROI is benchmarking and forecasts. It can help with dealing with the continually increasing flow of Big Data and inputs.

Develop the Influencer Marketing Platform with the APP Solutions

The company APP Solutions knows how to develop an influencer marketing platform and empower it with Artificial Intelligence. Our experience and expertise enable us to define really efficient marketing tools to provide you with the results you expect to achieve with an influencer marketing platform.

This technical structure is a guide on how to build an AI-powered influencer marketing platform.

So what’s required?

  • Architecture, project setup
  • Design
  • Social media collector
  • Rewarding point system
  • API that shows news from third party news hubs
  • Static page
  • Report abuse
  • Subscription model
  • Payment system integration
  • Survey tool – third party API
  • Automatic sharing for posts on social media platforms
  • User/follower profile page
  • Influencer interface
  • Advertiser interface
  • Admin pane

If you need assistance or professional advice on any of these components or want to build all of them, the APP Solutions is always glad to hear from you.

Final Thoughts

The pace at which the influencer market is moving in 2020 has impressed both startups and established businesses. While the market offers a variety of influencer marketing platforms to choose for cooperation, it’s still more beneficial to custom an AI-powered influencer marketing platform. Artificial Intelligence provides automated and smooth processes while preventing businesses from wasting time and money. The APP Solutions believes that today, relying on the schedule and principles of third-party platforms is not as advantageous as building your own platform. Moreover, you always have us – a partner you can contact to receive all the necessary advice.

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